
The new millennium in Prague firefighters began with frequent fires in private family houses and cars. At the end of the holidays came the biggest case of this year in a building that was to become a national cultural monument and was also used as our first film studio.

On August 28th, after 8 p.m., units of professional and later company and volunteer firefighters went to a fire in a three-storey building measuring 120 x 40 m. It was a fire in the former Vinohrady brewery, which was to be prepared by a private company for a major reconstruction. When investigating the cause of the fire, initially everything suggested negligence in cutting the flame. Later, based on witness statements, traces of the spread of the fire, samples taken and an evaluation of the visual documentation of the technicians from the documentation department proved that it was a multiple outbreak and therefore a deliberate ignition.

The building could not be saved, but the units, in addition to extinguishing the fire, concentrated on protecting the surrounding objects and cars in the adjacent streets. The importance of the work of the specialized image documentation department was shown in the investigation of the cause of the fire.