
Even this year was quite rich in events. Only fires with damage over 1.000.000 CZK were 24. The most significant damage of 23.000.000 CZK was the fire of the GLOBE Theatre on 12th November.

A replica of the Elizabethan theatre in the grounds of the Prague Exhibition Grounds went up in ashes on Saturday morning. The wooden building was completely destroyed by the flames.

Already when the first unit arrived, it was obvious that the building of the wooden theatre affected by the fire could not be fully saved. Therefore, firefighters focused on extinguishing and protecting the surrounding objects. The fire was under control relatively quickly – 47 minutes after the start of the extinguishing operation.

By the fact that the intervention of the fire brigades focused mainly on the protection of objects standing in the immediate vicinity of the theatre, especially the Křižík pavilion “B” and Marold panorama of the battle at Lipany, which stands only a few meters from the fire-affected building, both objects were saved, the fire did not spread to them.