
The most significant event of the year for Prague firefighters was the commissioning of a new fire station in Modřany, especially when we realize that the last completely new station was opened by Prague firefighters in the 1980s in Krč (the station in Jinonice was only a replacement for an old substandard station).

Although the station was ceremonially opened at the end of the previous year, its gradual commissioning took place only this year. Construction of the station cost  172 million CZK, it was intended for 120 firefighters in three shifts, further fire divers were stationed here as well as their unique pressure chamber, which serves the entire Integrated Rescue System. During the year, a new regional operation and information centre for line 150 and the 112 emergency call centre was also completed, which moved here from unsuitable premises in Sokolská Street.

After the station was put into full operation, the arrival times of the Prague units to the housing estates Kamýk, Lhotka, Modřany, Libuš, Písnice, Cholupice, Komořany, Hodkovičky, Točná and part of Braník were significantly reduced and firefighters from Modřany were also able to intervene on the new southern road circuit around Prague.