
This year, the USAR team took part in an international training in Sicily, EU Modex, which was important for the international certification of the team. Otherwise, it was a peaceful year, with a decrease in the number of fires, technical interventions and traffic accidents. One of the most interesting interventions was the fire of the historic motor vehicle 831 also called the „kredenc“ meaning cupboard in English.

The train fire occurred on 8th February in the afternoon in Stodůlky on the line Praha – Hostivice – Rudná u Prahy. The driver managed to stop the train and passengers could get off in time, so there were no injuries. As the train stopped in a hard-to-reach place, firefighters had to create a 300 m long hose line to carry out the operation. The fire, which was caused by a technical fault with the engine, was extinguished after an hour.

This intervention was for a change a demonstration of cooperation between professional firefighters from Prague and company firefighters from Railway and Motol Hospital. Voluntary firefighters also took part in the intervention. Cooperation of all three levels of intervening fire units is a way to manage large and locally specific cases.