
This year was dedicated to the fight with COVID-19. With the disease in its own ranks, it was difficult to provide the necessary number of members in shifts, however, we were active in the delivery of test kits to test centers and protective equipment, or lung ventilators to hospitals. The fact that you can get almost everywhere with firefighters, testifies to the fire in the technical room at the Museum Kampa, where units had the opportunity to raise their awareness of modern art.

On July 15, firefighters from Sokolská, Chodov and Smíchov stations, the chemical service from Petřiny and a unit of the Prague Castle Fire Department went to a fire of electrical wiring in the technical room of the Kampa Museum. The fire was quickly extinguished using CO2 extinguishers, which are the most economical in terms of equipment. Despite this, the combustion fumes got into the exhibition spaces, where there was a risk of damage to the exposed works. This problem was minimized by the intervening firefighters by ventilating the exhibition spaces with mobile fans.

As it later turned out, just the above described procedure for extinguishing and especially ventilation of the affected exhibition spaces were the cause of minimal damage to the exhibited works, which were mostly only professionally cleaned.