
This year, firefighters in Holešovice received a reward for quality work for the residents of Prague. They received adequate quality facilities after years of service in the historic station.

The grand opening of the fire station in Holešovice took place on Thursday, September 30th. Its construction started in 2019 and local firefighters, who are in charge of practically the whole northern part of Prague including the smaller districts of Prague-Troja, Prague-Dolní Chabry, Prague-Ďáblice, Prague-Březiněves, Prague 18, housing estates with a large number of inhabitants such as Bohnice, Čimice, Kobylisy, Prosek, Vysočany or Letňany finally got a proper background. There are a total of 78 firefighters in three shifts working here and there will also be diver facilities. If the Prague firefighters go on an intervention outside the territory of the capital, they will meet here, in Argentinská Street.

The original fire station in Holešovice had a really long history, wooden prefabricated houses that served as a base were created here in 1942, i.e. at the time of the protectorate as a makeshift for a period of 5 years. An important step towards the transformation of the station was made by the City of Prague Municipality, which in 2013 transferred the land belonging to Prague to the state and so it was possible to start preparing the reconstruction of the mentioned station.

On the occasion of the opening of the new station, the following words were said:

“It is not only the pandemic that has shown us that the units of the Integrated Rescue System, including firefighters, are a very important part of society especially in crisis situations,” said the Deputy Mayor of the City of Prague for the area of security.

In the future, it is also planned to move the Regional Directorate of the Fire Rescue Service of the City of Prague here and to build the headquarters of the Medical Rescue Service of the City of Prague, which would allow even better coordination between these services of the Integrated Rescue System.